No shred of a moral conscience
Dear Editor:
Joel Morley’s letter in last week’s paper made a very big statement as to how our elected official do not listen to what their constituents want. They vote the party line. In some cases they don’t even read the bill. LD 1619 has now racked Maine as the worst abortion laws in America.
1,184 Mainers took the time to protest the bill by giving testimony to 72 who supported it. Yet the bill passed by two votes in the House that is under Democrat control.
Bottom line -- your state rep can’t think outside of the box, does not have a shred of a moral conscience, or will listen to what their constituents want.
The roll call vote for Bill LD1619. The following voted yes: Lydia Crafts (D) Newcastle District 46 Newcastle, Damariscotta, Nobleboro, and Mohegan Plantation; Holly Stover (D) Boothbay District 48 Boothbay Harbor, Edgecomb, Southport, South Bristol and Westport Island.
The following voted no: Edward Polewarczyk (R) Wiscasset District 47 Wiscasset, Alna, Whitefield and Jefferson. Abden Simmons (R) Waldoboro District 45 Waldoboro, Breman, Louds Island, Friendship and Washington.
As Joel Morley stated you need to know how your elected officials voted and vote to keep them accountable.
Mary Lou Daxland
VP Maine Republican Assembly