Healthy Lincoln County food drive at Rising Tide
On Jan. 25, Healthy Lincoln County will be partnering with Rising Tide to collect dry and canned goods for distribution through local share tables. Donations will be collected at Rising Tide Co-op, but they can be purchased anywhere or brought from home. Cash donations will also be accepted and will be used to purchase additional dry goods. The Bringing Food Home van will be parked in the Rising Tide parking lot from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 25.
Suggested donations include rice, pasta, beans, canned meats, canned vegetables, cereal, tomato sauce, water, flour, and sugar. Other dry goods would be greatly appreciated as well. All donations will be used to replenish Healthy Lincoln County’s stock of dry goods. This food will be distributed through free share tables and emergency food boxes across the county.