Wiscasset Senior Center
The next Public Supper will be Wednesday, May 1. Menu will be broccoli cheese soup, biscuits, salad, cornbread chili casserole, and applesauce custard pie. Cost is $10 for members, $12 for non-members. Additional meals may be purchased for takeout at the same price, when reserved. Please call 882-8230 for reservations and information.
Cribbage results for Tuesday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. with 22 players were first place, Mary Ellen Anderson, 839; second, Pam Frenier, 830; third, Beverly Blair, 828; high hand (24) a tie, Marge Pooler, Gali Thayer and Joanne Oliver; low score, Nancy Wright 688.
Results for Thursday, April 18 at 6 p.m. with 18 players were first place, Beverly Blair, 820; second, Ron Bodge, 810; third, Dorothy Peters, 807; high hand (24) Duane Rolerson; low score, Burt Curtis, 650.