Re-elect Cameron Reny
Dear Editor:
For the 2022 election cycle, Cameron Reny was untested. She had little to use in her speeches, except her warmth, ideas, and genuinely projected honesty. But that was two years ago. Since then, she has advanced, politically and oratorically. Using her deep-rooted values and common sense, she accomplished much in the State House and developed a confidence to manage discussions about her work with knowledge, clarity, enthusiasm and conviction.
Cameron has been involved with issues affecting the lives of most Maine people, from health care to affordable housing to the climate crisis. She has sponsored many bills and had five of them pass and be enacted in her first year. She has chaired the Marine Resources Committee and is a member of both the Health Coverage, Insurance, and Financial Services Committee and the Maine Climate Council as a member on the Coastal and Marine Working Group.
Cameron’s work in the Senate has been lauded by several organizations and given perfect scores. Among these organizations are: Maine Conservation Voters, Planned Parenthood Maine Action Fund, AFL-CIO, Maine Education Association and Maine Recovery Advocacy Project
Cameron aims to tackle the problem of corporate greed head-on. For example, in the 131st legislature, she presented and got passed LD 1829 (“An Act to Direct the Maine Prescription Drug Affordability Board to Assess Strategies to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs and to Take Steps to Implement Reference-based Pricing”). This bill, when funded, will cap the price of commercial and out-of-pocket medicines at the price Medicare negotiates for the same drugs.
Cameron also sponsored is LD 2027, the so-called “Maine Yankee bill” which ensures that Wiscasset residents are not paying for taxes caused by the $93 million exemption for the former nuclear power plant.
Having come from a working-class Bristol, Maine family, she feels what Maine people feel, she truly understands the effects of government and corporate decisions on Maine families. Cameron has worked in education as school counselor and has raised two children of her own, so she knows, first-hand the issues facing families in all levels of the economic spectrum. She prioritizes policies that will help all Mainers. Re-electing Cameron Reny to the Maine Senate would be the wiser choice.
Kinne Stires
Westport Island