Knox County Commissioner Candidate: Marc Ratner has circulated questions to the two candidates, Gordon Page, I-Owls Head, and Marc Ratner, D-Camden, who are vying for one open seat on the Knox County Commission representing District 3. That seat that is being vacated by Sharyn L. Pohlman. District 3 comprises Camden, Hope, Isle au Haut, Matinicus Isle Plantation, North Haven, Owls Head, Rockport, Vinalhaven the Unorganized Territories of Criehaven and Mussel Ridge Islands.
The three-member Commission has one other open seat representing District 2: Appleton, Cushing, Friendship, Union, Warren and Washington. Morgan EF Hynd, D-Warren, is running unopposed for that seat.
As candidates return their responses, we are posting them on the Pilot's front page, and then they will reside on the Elections 2024 Voter Resource Page, which also includes letters, opinions, stories about state and local referendum questions, and more.
Please provide a short biography of yourself, your reasons for wanting to serve as a county commissioner, and what you will bring to the table to help govern Knox County.
I bring a combination of experience that I believe will help me greatly as a county commissioner.
High level business experience: a long career in the music business that included serving as a vice-president at Warner Bros. Records.
Government experience: I served for six years as a select board member in Camden.
Law Enforcement experience: I worked as a reserve deputy for 32 years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, including seven years serving as Captain of one of the department's Search & Rescue teams (where I also was certified as an EMT).
Additional volunteer experience: I'm a founding board member and working member of Coastal Mountain Search & Rescue, our Midcoast volunteer rescue team.
Among the many reasons for wanting to serve as a County Commissioner:
A primary one is I want to make sure that we never again have a problem with the Knox County 911 Call Center. Because of my longterm Law, EMS and SAR experience I know how important the call center is and how important the dispatchers are in making sure that both the public and the emergency responders are properly informed and safe.
The dispatchers have to be trained in all disciplines of emergency service. They need to understand medical, policing and fire situations so they can assist the caller and provide immediate response with the first responders receiving correct and complete information so they'll be able to provide life saving assistance immediately upon arrival. It is a professional occupation and should be treated that way.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of county government, and Knox County, in particular?
I have two primary concerns about our county government:
1. It's not as transparent or informative as it needs to and should be. When we published our agenda online at the select board level we also included all the pertinent information that went with it. All the information about the contracts we were considering, the licenses we were renewing, etc., all the information at our disposal needed to make a proper decision was available for the public to review, as well.
That's very important and not available at the county level.
2. There needs to be better communication with all the municipalities in the county. I believe the county should work perhaps like an older sibling and help all of the different towns work together on bigger issues, like EMS, where a combined effort would be more efficient and cost effective than having everyone go it alone.
What will you do to encourage continuity and transparency for Maine’s second smallest county (and geographically oddest, given the distance to its most outlying island of Isle au Haut)?
As I mentioned above — transparency and particularly communication — where the county initiates reaching out to all, where we take the lead in communication. We cannot wait for the citizens and municipalities to contact us. Each commissioner should make it a regular practice to contact them.
How do you plan to collaborate with local municipalities to ensure efficient governance across the county?
It all starts with a phone call. I marvel these days that so many people spend more time emailing and texting instead of just calling. There's nothing better than a person to person discussion. It's about establishing relationships.
Should the county board of commissioners be expanded to include five, or even seven, commissioners instead of three?
Absolutely. Five seems like a good workable number, not too small and not too big. Especially with the way the law works where elected officials are not allowed to communicate with each other if they represent a quorum.
When you are a board of three — and two represent a quorum — the three county commissioners can only speak to each other in official meetings. What a horrible way of working together when you never get a chance to really know and appreciate your co-workers.
What could Knox County do to support municipalities in the county in the midst of a housing crisis?
I wish I had a magic solution for the housing crisis. It's been a problem I've wrestled with for years. The best beginning answer I can give, that's not a generic reply that you hear so often, is research, research, research. This is not just a local, regional or national problem; it's worldwide. Let's explore what's being worked on everywhere around the globe and look for the best ideas and bring them home.
How do you envision the county supporting emergency services, law enforcement, and other essential services for towns?
My appreciation for the work that first responders do in these difficult times is endless. We talked often in Camden about how finding a way to help them is bigger than any one town can provide.
The County needs to bring everyone together and find ways to share services. I worked with the largest sheriff's department in the world and I saw how shared resources between the county and the cities were so beneficial. Not everyone needs to duplicate the same services and equipment if all the towns share those resources. Let's be more efficient and more cost effective.
How do you plan to diversify county revenue streams, and what is your approach to reducing reliance on any one source, especially property taxes?
There is a ton of money out in the world just waiting to be asked for. When I was on the select board in Camden we made a change in the town management. One of the priorities we made with that change is to make sure that the town researched and applied for every grant and donation, etc., available to help us fund our needs. That needs to be a priority for the county. Every dollar that we bring in from the outside is a dollar that we don't have to ask for from our homeowners.
What is your strategy for recruiting a qualified county administrator, and how will you ensure their retention by providing the support and resources necessary for long-term success.
Hiring is difficult. I obviously was not involved in the previous hiring (but I was involved in hiring new management in Camden) and all I can say, making sure we have the best candidates and having the best team to evaluate them is essential. At this point I would recommend that the next hiring happen after the election so the two new commissioners have a say in the hiring process because that will be the team that will be working together in the future.
If another ARPA (substantial federal funding) were to arrive at the county level again, how would you wish to see that process evolve? What lessons can be learned from the previous attempt?
I am aware that both the Camden and Rockport Select Boards sent representatives to county meetings to discuss the funding and both board representatives came away very disappointed in the process and communication with the county.
Instead of just holding a couple meetings to allow people to attend and ask quickly for funds, the commissioners should reach out to their respective areas (every town, every island ,etc.) and have serious conversations with the local representatives to discuss their needs. After serious conversations then the commissioners will have appropriate information and will be able to make better decisions. As always, there won't be enough money for everything everybody wants but hopefully the allocations will be as well directed and as fair as possible.
How do envision ensuring more public engagement with county operations, and reaching more citizens about county business?
I'm not surprised that so many people aren't even aware of the county, the commissioners and their responsibilities. The county needs to reach out and communicate. More information on the website, more outreach to our local news organizations and a good social media plan. The county needs to go to the people, not expect the people to come to them.
Free space! Please address any issue or additional thoughts you may have.
As we get closer to the election, it's hard to not notice the explosion of yard signs. In a presidential election year I can't even imagine the amount of money spent on signs. Yet, you won't see any "Ratner for Commissioner" signs.
For two reasons.
1. Signs don't tell you anything about the candidate. I've never voted for anyone because of a sign. I vote based on all the things I can learn about the candidate. That's what's important.
2. I believe there's too much money in politics. So when the state offered me the option of signing a pledge that I would not spend any money on my campaign, I jumped at the option. I signed that pledge. And I'm glad I did.
One thing I've noticed in the difference between running for select board and county commissioner: Where the select board vote is on a local ballot and the county commissioner is on a state ballot, companies have come out of the woodwork now that I'm on the state ballot, emailing me about spending money with them to "further my campaign" to "reach the people".
I have better ways to spend my money than support faceless companies that don't care about my ideas and concerns but just care about my money. So no signs.
No matter your choices - please vote on November 5.