At the polls: Rockport voters consider borrowing for sewer and stream crossing projects; add ordinances
Along with General Elections 2024, Rockport is asking voters to consider nine municipal warrant articles when they go to the polls Nov. 5, including two bond proposals that total approximately $5 million of borrowing money.
(The Nov. 5 Town Meeting Warrant with the municipal articles is available here.)
Voters will consider a $3.5 million bond to repair roadway water crossing areas, including those on West Street Extension; Gurney, Main, Warrenton, Meadow, Porter and Mt. Pleasant streets; and Chris’ Road.
Those represent seven failed water crossings in town attributed to strong rain storms. Rockport has received $125,000 in grant money to help cover the cost, and Town Manager Jon Duke wrote in a September memo that, "we expect funding at the federal and state level to increase to meet the needs so many communities like Rockport face to deal with a rapidly changing climate."
Currently, Rockport has $6.3 million in outstanding debt, plus another $8.2 million in bonds that are authorized but yet unissued.
Rockport is also asking voters to approve partially funding the extension of sewer lines in Rockport Village along Union Street from Grove Street to the Rockport-Camden town line, as well as along Route 90 from Forest Street West to Forest Glen, and along Route 1 from the Fox Hill Pump Station to Beech Hill Road.
These three sewer extensions are to accommodate proposed housing developments. None of them have yet appeared before the Rockport Planning Board with official site plans.
The Route 1 extension would enable a Midcoast Habitat for Humanity development to be sited on a 3.6 acre parcel abutting the former Hoboken parcel on the east side of Route 1. Approximately 10 housing units would be built there.
The Union Street extension would facilitate a housing development of approximately 10 to 30 units on a 6.4 acre parcel that lies between Union and Limerock streets.
And, the Forest Glen extension would benefit more housing development in an area off of Route 90 across the highway from Camden Hills Regional High School.
Voters will be asked to approriate $2.4 million for the sewer lines. The town has a $1 million grant already in its pocket for the sewer project and is asking voters to borrow $1.4 million for funding. With debt service, the borrowing total would be an estimated $1.9 million based on a 2 percent interest rate on a 30-year bond.
Other articles on the warrant include land amendments and ordinance additions for licensing businesses and power poles.
According to August Select Board meeting minutes, municipal goals include adding a fire prevention and protection section to clarify the roles of Rockport's public safety officials in managing life safety responsibilities.
The amendments add licensing requirements for those operating lodging and restaurants in Rockport.
"Unfortunately, our fire and police departments have encountered an increasing number of circumstances in their roles of finding code deficiencies which impact the health and safetly of employees and patrons of those establishments," wrote Town Manager Jon Duke, when introducing the proposed amendments last summer.
The land use ordinance amendments include edits to existing language and clarifications.
Proposed land use amendments include:
Article 2, Shall the Town adopt amendments to the land use ordinance regarding Chapter 300 definitions?
The definitions include:
Article 3, Shall the Town adopt amendments to the ordinance regarding Chapter 55 conformance?
Article 4, Shall the town adopt amendments to the ordinance regarding Chapter 600 administration?
These amendments affect occupancy codes and permits. The proposed language changes follow:
603. Certificates of Occupancy
All residential and non-residential structures that require a building permit shall require a Certificate of Occupancy. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be based on inspections by the Code Officer or Third- Party Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, and Fire Chief or their designee, to ensure that the structure conforms with the Plumbing Code, National Fire Protection Life Safety Code, the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC), and the Rockport Land Use Ordinance. It shall be a violation of this Ordinance to use or occupy any structure until the Planning Office has issued a Certificate of Occupancy.
604.2. Standards of habitability and life safety shall include, but not be limited to;: properly functioning potable water and wastewater systems;, a functioning heating system;, and life safety code standards including proper egress and smoke detectors. See NFPA 101- Life Safety, NFPA 31 – Oil Burner and Solid Fuel, State of Maine 144 CMR 241- Subsurface Wastewater Disposal, and the State of Maine Uniform Plumbing Code, 2009.
604.3. The Code Enforcement Officer will communicate with the owner, property manager, or complainant to arrange an inspection.
605. Code Enforcement Officer
It shall be the duty of the Code Enforcement Officer or other person duly authorized by the Town of Rockport to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. If the Code Enforcement Officer shall find that any of the provisions of this Ordinance are being violated, he/she shall notify, in writing, the person responsible for such violations, indicating the nature of the violations and specifying the action necessary to correct itthem. He/she shall order discontinuance of illegal use of land, buildings, structures, additions, or work being done, andor shall take any other action authorized by this Ordinance to insureensure compliance with or to prevent violation of its provisions.
Upon appointment by the Select Board, the Alternate Code Enforcement Officer shall have all the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Code Enforcement Officer.
To add:
Before section 601:
The Town of Rockport enforces the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code ("MUBEC") pursuant to 10 M.R.S. § 9724. The Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Rockport shall serve as the building official as defined in 25 M.R.S.A. § 2373 and is responsible for issuing building permits and certificates of occupancy. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for inspecting all permitted construction for compliance with all components of MUBEC, as such components may be revised from time to time by the Maine Bureau of Building Codes and Standards. Administration and enforcement of MUBEC, including permits, fees, violations, penalties and appeals, shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Land Use Ordinance.
609 Fee Schedule
Fees for all applications and penalties shall be set by the Select Board and found in the Fee Schedule, which may be amended from time to time.
Article 5, Shall the town adopt amendments to the ordinance regarding site plan review. The changes adjust the requirements for submitting site plan revisions to the town.
Article 6, Shall the town adopt amendments to place a Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance within it, and be referenced as Section 609.
The proposed changes include language to strengthen the fire department's oversight of fire hazards.
"This chapter is intended to provide the Town or Rockport with rules and regulations to enhance public safety by promoting the control of fire hazards; regulating the use of structures, premises, and open area; providing for the abatement of fire hazards; and setting forth the standards for compliance and achievement of these objectives," the town wrote.
Fire prevention and building codes.
- The Fire Chief shall have authority, along with the Code Enforcement Officer, to inspect premises related to compliance with fire prevention and protection codes adopted by the State Commissioner of Public Safety and/or incorporated into the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC). All decisions related to license or permits applied for under Chapter 600 shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer and may be appealed in accordance with the Town of Rockport Land Use Ordinance.
- The Fire Chief shall have authority, along with the Code Enforcement Officer, to enforce state fire protection rules in accordance with 25 M.R.S.A. § 2361.
Article 7, Shall the town adopt a Licensing — Business and Others?
This article also moves the licensing of itinerant peddlers into the Land Use Ordinance.
"In order to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the members of the public, this chapter is enacted by the Town of Rockport to control the licensing and regulation of certain businesses and other uses as may be required by this chapter," the town wrote.
Article 8, Shall the town adopt a Rockport Pole Ordinance?
This new ordinance is crafted from a similar effort by Lewiston to enact rules concerning where uttility poles can be sited in the public right of ways.
Articles 9 and 10 concern the proposed bonds, as outlined above and seen here.
Voting will take place at the Rockport Public Library, Nov. 5, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
To read more about the warrant before voting, visit