Wiscasset Senior Center
The next public supper will be Wednesday, March 5. The meal consists offish chowder, salad, biscuits, Canadian bacon and potato quiche, and chocolate cake.Cost is $10 for members and $12 for nonmembers. Additional meals may be purchased for take-out at the same cost when reserved. Takeouts should be picked up at 5:45p.m. For more information or to make a reservation, call 882-8230. Please join us for this delicious meal.
Cribbage scores on Tuesday, Feb.18 with 20 players: First place: Pam Frenier, 845; second place: Nancy Perry, 842; third place: Rita James, 831; high hand:Ruth Gilbert, 24; low score: Doc Schilke, 724
Thursday, Feb.20:First place: Roger Downs, 830; second place: Rita James, 828; third place: Cindy Faufann, 825; high hand: Dorothy Peters and Burt Curtis, 24; low score: Nancy Wright, 698.