Students vote Obama, King and Pingree
Wiscasset High School Student Council's 2012 mock election drew 90 students to the polls October 30.
The Town of Wiscasset allowed the Student Council to use the town voting booths, which were set up in Room 2 at WHS during lunch.
Kids were involved on every level on the mock election, with each grade level preparing and explaining various issues, races and candidates to the school.
Principal Deb Taylor, Vice Principal Sue Poppish and Student Council Adviser Deb Pooler met with each class from freshmen to seniors provide unbiased information on the State ballot and Town of Wiscasset Ballot issues.
All results have been submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State Special Projects Director Nicole Ladner who will tally statewide mock presidential votes this year. The results will be made available to all schools that participated.
The mock vote results often represent what will happen at the real polls on Election Day. This year's mock presidential election presented a great opportunity for students, teachers and the Town of Wiscasset to work together to educate students about the important American right to vote process.
Student results
President: Gary Johnson, 2; Barack Obama, 46; Mitt Romney, 31; Jill Stein, 2; write-in, 8
U.S. Senator: Danny Dalton, 3; Cynthia Dill, 7; Andrew Dodge, 2; Angus King, 50; Charles Summers, 24; Stephen Woods, 2; write-in, 1
U.S. House of Representative: Jonathan Courtney, 36; Chellie Pingree, 48; write-in, 2
State Senator: Les Fossel, 59; Chris Johnson, 28; write-in, 1
House of Representative District 53: Timothy Marks, 23; Ray Soule, 62
Judge of Probate: Thomas Berry, 83
County Commissioner: Hamilton Meserve, 83
Question 1: Do you want to allow the State of Maine to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples? Yes, 57; No, 32
Question 2: Do you favor an $11,300,000 bond issue to provide funds for capital to build a diagnostic facility for the University of Maine System; for capital improvements and equipment, including machine tool technology, for the Maine Community College System; and for capital improvements and equipment at the Maine Maritime Academy? Yes, 57; No, 32
Question 3: Do you favor a $5,000,000 bond issue to purchase land and conservation easements statewide from willing sellers for public land and water access, conservation, wildlife or fish habitat and outdoor recreation, including hunting and fishing and deer wintering areas, and to preserve working farmland and working waterfronts to be matched by at least $5,000,000 in private and public contributions? Yes, 51; No, 34
Question 4: Do you favor a $51,500,000 bond issue for improvements to highways and bridges, local roads, airports and port facilities, as well as for funds for rail access, transit buses and the LifeFlight Foundation, which will make the State eligible for at least $105,600,000 in federal and other matching funds? Yes, 54; No, 34
Question 5: Do you favor a $7,925,000 bond issue to be expended over 2 years for revolving loan funds for drinking water systems and for wastewater treatment facilities, which will make the State eligible to secure $39,625,000 in federal grants? Yes, 58; No, 34
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United States