Westport Island report wins award
Westport Island selectmen received a notice from the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) that the island’s annual report had been given a 2015 MMA excellence award as “an exemplary communication” with Westport’s citizens.
The 125-page report covers the period from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. The color cover contains photos and a “thank you” to Susan Partelow, who is retiring. Acknowledgment of Partelow’s contributions continue in a dedication page which cites her outstanding service to the community over the years in the capacities of tax collector, treasurer, administrative assistant and member of various island committees.
The document includes the town officials’ reports, committee reports, town and community services reports, budget and other information specific to Westport.
Maine Municipal Association will formally recognize the achievement by presenting the award at a luncheon on Oct. 7.
Keefe property cited for violations
Gary Richardson, code enforcement officer appeared before the selectmen to review a number of violations to the island’s ordinances at the Anthony Keefe property on Old Woods Road (map 5, lot 53.)
Four violations were identified in a letter sent by Richardson to the property owner on Sept. 20, 2015. The violations were:
- Clearing of vegetation in excess of that allowed by the shore land zoning ordinance without obtaining a permit.
- Failure to obtain a building permit for the construction of two decks.
- Failure to obtain a permit for extending a driveway which was in violation of the shoreland zoning ordinance.
- Installing a ramp and float without obtaining a permit.
Richardson’s letter to Keefe explained that submitting an after-the-fact permit application costs triple the normal fee. It is estimated that this would result in excess of $400 in charges. After a brief discussion, the selectmen unanimously agreed to discuss possible additional penalties with the code enforcement officer and then ask Keefe to attend a future board meeting.
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