Democrats urged to "change the narrative'
At their November 16 monthly meeting, a large crowd of Lincoln County Democrats and other progressives heard Maine Peoples Alliance (MPA) Communications Director Mike Tipping describe how the MPA is trying to change the political conversation in Maine to focus on progressive issues and policies designed to help ordinary Maine citizens.
“We need to change the narrative away from the Republicans’ divisive issues like tax reductions for the rich and their attacks on poor welfare recipients and refugees,” said Tipping.
Two of the key ways the MPA is trying to do this are ballot initiatives for the 2016 elections and upcoming local elections.
Tipping announced that the MPA garnered about 30,000 signatures this past election day on the “Fair Wage” initiative to incrementally raise the minimum wage in Maine to $12 per hour. With over 90,000 signatures, well more than the 61,123 required by state law, the initiative is guaranteed a place on the ballot. According to Tipping, if the initiative is successful it will help 130,000 Mainers who currently earn less than $12 per hour.
The MPA and its partners, according to Tipping, have also launched a second ballot initiative for 2016 to address the increasing cost of K-12 education and the failure of State Government to fund the 55 percent of K-12 education it is required by law to do. The initiative, called “Stand up for Students,” would be funded by a surcharge of three percent on individual income over $200,000 that is calculated to bring in over $100 million for our schools.
Well before the November 2016 elections, there is another opportunity to change the narrative, according to Tipping, and that is the Lewiston Mayoral election. MPA member and Democrat Ben Chin scored an impressive plurality of 44 percent in the November 3 first round, besting two term incumbent Robert MacDonald by seven percent. Chin ran on a progressive platform, including the Fair Wage and Stand up for Students initiatives.
“This is an historic opportunity to advance the progressive agenda and start growing the economy from the bottom up," Tipping said, "and there has been a groundswell of support for Chin from across the state.” As this is a run off election in a non-presidential year, turnout is likely to be small so every vote will count. Those wishing to help the Chin campaign can contact Lincoln County residents can participate in a get-out-the-vote phone bank to take place at the MPA office, 49 Main Street in Damariscotta on December 1. For information on the Damariscotta phone bank, contact Caroline Ginsberg at 207-200-6015.
More information on MPA and its activities can be found on its online news service, The Beacon, at
In other business, Lincoln County Democratic Committee chair Jim Torbert announced that presidential caucuses will take place across the state on Sunday, March 6, 2016. Conveners are still needed for a few Lincoln County towns. In other announcements, the LCDC annual holiday party will take place in Damariscotta on December 5. It is open to all Democrats and is free of charge but a free will offering of foodstuffs and/or donations for a local food pantry will be requested. For more information, please contact LCDC at or the LCDC Facebook page,
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