Sanders wins in LC Democratic caucuses
A large turnout at the Lincoln County caucus sites played an important role in the success of candidate Bernie Sanders, who won over Hillary Clinton in every town reporting results by 5:30 p.m. with the exception of Southport, where the vote was split 19-18.
Jarryl Larson, the convenor for Edgecomb, said that the difference in a normal presidential year and this year was astounding. Edgecomb normally sees about 10 people at any given caucus, she said.
“This year, we had about 60 voters. I was especially pleased that we had a 17-year-old who is going to be 18 before November cast a vote,” she said. It is legal for 17-year-olds to vote in a primary if they are going to be of age to vote by the general election.
Larson discussed why she thought the turnout was so high. “I think people in both parties have realized that the stakes are really high,” she said.
A total of 2,860 Democrats turned out countywide for Sunday’s caucuses, Maine Sen. Chris Johnson, D - Somerville, said.
The earliest session took place at Wiscasset Elementary School at 1 p.m. Here are the results of those contests by town, vote tallies, and delegate awards:
Alna: Clinton, 12, 1 delegate; Sanders, 59, 2 delegates.
Edgecomb: Clinton, 19, 1 delegate; Sanders, 40, 3 delegates; uncommitted, 3 votes.
Somerville: Clinton, 2, 0 delegates; Sanders, 12, 1 delegate.
Westport Island: Clinton: 21, 1 delegate; Sanders, 33, 1 delegate.
Whitefield: Clinton: 26, 1 delegate; Sanders, 94, 5 delegates.
Wiscasset: Clinton, 32, 2 delegates; Sanders, 72, 6 delegates.
Shortly after the Wiscasset caucuses convened, the caucus for Dresden began at Pownalborough Hall. According to convener Karen Vitelli, Clinton garnered 33 votes and was awarded 2 delegates, while Sanders took 75 votes and 3 delegates.
At 2:30 p.m. at Great Salt Bay School in Damariscotta, the caucuses for Central Lincoln County and the Boothbay and Pemaquid peninsulas began. Here are the results of those contests:
Boothbay: Clinton, 64, 4 delegates; Sanders, 77, 5 delegates.
Boothbay Harbor: Clinton, 33, 2 delegates; Sanders, 62, 5 delegates
Bremen: Clinton, 21, 1 delegate; Sanders, 33, 2 delegates
Bristol: Clinton, 76, Sanders, 125, Joe Biden, 1. Bristol had not yet awarded their delegates by 5:30 p.m.
Damariscotta: Clinton, 61, 3 delegates; Sanders, 105, 5 delegates
Newcastle: Clinton, 56, 2 delegates; Sanders, 154, 5 delegates
Nobleboro: Clinton, 52, 1 delegate; Sanders, 154, 4 delegates
South Bristol: Clinton, 26, 1 delegate; Sanders, 45, 2 delegates
Southport: Clinton, 19, 1 delegate; Sanders, 18, 1 delegate
On Monhegan Island, the vote was Clinton, 3, with 0 delegates, and Sanders, 18, with 1 delegate.
The late caucuses began at 4 p.m., at Miller School in Waldoboro, and included the towns of Waldoboro and Jefferson. Here are the results:
Jefferson: Clinton, 49, 3 delegates; Sanders, 56, 3 delegates
Waldoboro: Clinton, 78, 4 delegates; Sanders, 144, 7 delegates.
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