Support Will Neilson
Dear Editor:
I strongly support Will Neilson and believe he will make an excellent assemblyman representing our district. Will has the ability to work with people to get things done and with sensitivity to key issues but with a solid fiscal set of policies, all much needed in the House in Augusta.
I have seen Will’s effectiveness close up on local committees and am particularly impressed with his energy, reliability and understanding of financial, zoning/planning and health care issues.
As owner of the Solo Bistro restaurant in Bath with his wife Pia, and a lawyer with membership in the Maine State Bar Association, Will understands state and local economic issues and has a long record of achievement and contribution to the greater Bath area – including Bath Rotary, Maine Street Bath, the Bath Freight Shed Alliance, and chair of the Greater Bath Elder Outreach, chair of the Arrowsic Planning Board and many years of involvement in programs for the elderly via SEARCH (Seek Elderly Alone Restore Courage and Hope),
In short, his record of local contribution and achievement is exceptional and he will make a difference in Augusta. For sure, I am voting for Will and encourage you to do so too!
Don Kornrumpf
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