Will Neilson for the legislature
Dear Editor:
The Maine legislature desperately needs leaders with proven experience in life, vision and a commitment to promote values and programs to help bring Maine into the 21st century.
Will Neilson is just such a candidate. A lawyer, a successful business owner and dedicated volunteer in numerous and important community programs, Will Neilson has demonstrated the outstanding leadership skills that would best serve the citizens of a diverse, wide-ranging district that extends from Phippsburg to Georgetown to Dresden.
His dedication to community service has encompassed active roles in dozens of organizations from Bath’s Elder Care Outreach Network to Main Street Bath to Grace Episcopal Church. He has been president of Bath’s Rotary Club, a member of the board of the Freight Shed Alliance and the United Way.
As a resident of Arrowsic, I have known him best as chairman of the Arrowsic Planning Board where he has overseen complex challenges to environmental and construction regulations with poise, consistency and integrity – all the while serving as a reliable partner and backstop to his wife’s excellent Bath restaurant, Solo Bistro.
A vote for Will Neilson in November will place a remarkable and energetic representative in Augusta – a person who will serve this district with intelligence, care and distinction.
Fred Hill
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