Homebuyer education seminar set
Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), a nonprofit community development organization, with the support of Maine State Housing Authority, will offer the Homebuyer Education class, a four-session course, on Saturday, Feb. 11 and 18, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at CEI, 30 Federal Street in Brunswick.
Thinking about buying a home? Attend the class to get more information about programs that may be able to help you such as Maine Housing’s Home Assist Program that offers $3,500 in closing cost assistance. You will also learn about VA, USDA and FHA programs. Other topics you will learn about include; debt to income ratio, what is it and how is it calculated, credit 101 what you need to know, working with real estate professionals and what does a home inspection cover.
CEI is a HUD-approved, certified, and funded Housing Counseling Agency. Our Home Buyer Education course is an approved Maine hoMEworks course. Maine hoMEworks is a statewide coalition of home buyer education providers with a mission to develop a consistent, high quality home buyer education program delivered by a network of industry professionals throughout Maine.
Pre-registration is required and there is a $30/person or $50/couples (purchasing together) non-refundable charge for the two-day seminar. Registrations will not be accepted after Feb. 3, 2017. Participants must attend both sessions in order to receive a certificate of completion. To register for the class and for more information about the Home Buyer Education programs, including training in the Fundamentals of Land Lording, contact us at 504-5884 or register online, http://www.ceimaine.org/workshops-and-events/home-buyers-education-hoe-7634-brunswick-february/
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