Photography workshop Feb. 24
Take control of your camera by understanding what all of the modes and settings are used for in order to take digital images and make them more unique. In this Feb. 24, 2:30 p.m. workshop at Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center, 521 Main Street in Damariscotta, photography instructor Bob Gorrill will discuss basic aspects of exposure: ISO, aperture, shutter speed; how to get a proper exposure and be more creative; and how to manage auto focus to your advantage. Please bring your camera, manual, and extra batteries to class. $20 participant fee. Advanced registration required. To register call 563-1363. Minimum class size, three students.
As you and your digital camera become friends please remember these four simple tips which Bob will reinforce during his workshop: Always take your camera with you; take your pictures in quantity; take pictures of what you know; and have fun. Whatever kind of pictures you take remember to always enjoy yourself and your surroundings, because you're obviously in a great place or with great people if you feel a picture is worth taking. Bob's class is open to community members across all generations.
Robert B. Gorrill, APSA, MNEC is a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and a vice president and Master member of the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC). Bob is also the coordinator of the Spectrum Photography Group, which meets at 1 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at the Coastal Community Center. To learn more about Spectrum's Photography Group contact Bob at 563-7463.
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