Upcoming adult ed classes
The Reflexology workshop originally scheduled for Feb. 15 was rescheduled due to the weather. The new date is Wednesday, March 22. Discover how this ancient method stimulates the feet and improves blood circulation and nerve conduction. Come learn how reflexology can help achieve a state of relaxation and balance with Tina D'Amore, a licensed aesthetician and reflexologist. Please bring your favorite foot lotion or oils. The time is 6 to 8 p.m. and the fee is $18.
Married or single, old or young, you are likely to learn something useful in Estate Planning and Elder Law. Attorney Chip Griffin will provide an overview of estate planning and what you should consider when developing your estate plan. He will discuss wills, trusts, powers of attorney, gift and estate taxes, the importance of asset titling, and how your estate plan can inadvertently affect your eligibility for a MaineCare-funded nursing home. This one-evening class is on Tuesday, March 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. and the registration fee is $10.
You probably have no idea how much stuff is downloaded onto your computer when you are on the Internet.These files can cause your computer to slow down, make pop up adds appear, and send information about you to websites. Take Internet Security, Settings, and Clean-up to learn how to prevent identity theft, virus outbreaks, trojans, spyware, and how to protect your email from spam. This two evening class is on March 21 and 23, 6 to 8 p.m. and the fee is $28.
If you haven’t had the time or the patience to figure out how to use the merge function, make labels, or print an envelope, Mail Merge, a one night workshop, could save you hours of time. Personalize documents or letters, and print labels and envelopes quickly. A valuable tool for work or home use. The date is Wednesday, March 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. and the fee is $15.
To register for courses, complete the registration form in the brochure, or print one from our website: boothbayae.org. Include payment and mail to the address on the form. You can also drop off your registration and payment in the high school office weekdays. If you have questions or want more information, call 633-3224 or email: boothbayae@gwi.net.
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