Listening Town Hall in Thomaston April 20
They emailed, they phoned, and they drove to Bangor and Augusta, all in an effort to schedule a local town hall with Senator Susan Collins. Midcoast Maine Indivisisble (MCMI) waited almost two-and-a-half months, then forged ahead and scheduled the Susan Collins Listening Town Hall for 6:30 p.m. April 20 at Watts Hall in Thomaston. MCMI, an activist group of locally-organized citizens working together to resist the Trump agenda, has invited Senator Collins to participate in the Listening Town Hall in person and to answer her constituents’ recorded questions later if she chooses not to attend. Senator Collins’ office has been informed that the event will proceed with or without her presence.
SuitUp Maine, Lincoln County Indivisible, and the Midcoast Women’s Collective join MCMI in presenting the Listening Town Hall.
The public is invited and encouraged to bring their questions and participate.
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