Democrats to hear about Emerge Maine, defense of ballot question votes April 19
The Lincoln County Democratic Committee will meet at the Newcastle Community Room at 86 River Road, Newcastle, Wednesday, April 19 for a 6:30 p.m. social gathering and 7 p.m. meeting.
Guest speakers this month will all be providing information to inform your actions:
Jill Barkley, interim director of Emerge Maine, will tell us about training and encouragement Emerge provides for Democratic women interested in running for office. Wondering how you could be making positive change for your community and Maine? Come and find out before the next round of training starts.
John Kosinski, Stand Up For Students campaign manager, will bring us up to date on the fight to defend the law enacted by our passage of Question 2 at the polls, which finally funds 55 percent of education by improving tax fairness. Voters spoke for lower property taxes and funding our schools. So how come some politicians think your vote for them counts but your vote for laws you want doesn’t count? That’s ironic.
Will Ikard, Maine Small Business Coalition director, will bring us up to date on the fight to defend the law enacted by our passage of Question 4 at the polls, which gradually increases the minimum wage and gradually makes the tipped wage minimum match it. Was it a ballot box or just a suggestion box? Yeah, in my town it was a ballot box, too.
Last month we welcomed 23 new members. It’s time to get involved in being the change you want. We’re working on that together. Come and be a part of creating the future Maine people need.
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