Republicans plan gubernatorial straw poll
Lincoln County Republican Committee (LCRC) will conduct a straw poll for gubernatorial candidates at the county caucus to be held on Feb. 17 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Great Salt Bay School, 559 Main St. Damariscotta.
"Participation in the Republican Caucus has a special importance this year given the fact that a straw poll will be conducted of those in attendance to see which of the Republican candidates for governor are favored by Lincoln County Republicans,” said Dick Mayer, chairman of the LCRC.
Five Republicans have announced their candidacy and have been invited to speak to the caucus attendees. Candidates for governor include: Ken Fredette, State House Minority Leader, Garrett Mason, State Senate Majority Leader, Mary Mayhew, former Commissioner of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Shawn Moody, businessman, and Mike Thibodeau, Maine Senate President.
“I hope that all Republican voters will attend the event, listen to all of the candidates and make their preference known in the poll," said Mayer. Filing deadline for the Republican primary on June 12 is March 15.
For more information, contact Mayer or email
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