Alna favors changing school choice
Alna voters on Friday favored a referendum to drop the private school option from publicly funded K-8 school choice. The vote at the polls at the fire station ran 258-161.
The ballot question grandfathers children living in Alna by this June 30. The amendment to Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit 12’s reorganization plan would also take a district board decision to put it to a district-wide vote, officials have said.
“I think it’s quite positive,” said Ralph Hilton, who petitioned for the local referendum. “It’s a start on people doing what we need to do to save the town.”
Cathy Jones has opposed the proposal. “Obviously I’m disappointed. However, we have a lot of work to do as a community to solve problems,” Jones said, adding she has the utmost confidence townspeople will reconnect and rebuild relationships. Alna is a good town full of good people, Jones said.
Friday’s results are an indication of where the amendment stands, but are not a final outcome, she said.
The day’s other two proposals passed by wide margins. One to expand local alcohol sales rules to allow on-site consumption on Sundays won 280-135; the other, to allow it the rest of the week, won 318-95. Petitioners have noted a business would still need state licensing. And one petitioner, Jon Villeneuve, eying a hard cider business, noted he would also need licensing for production. He said Saturday, he was happy the questions passed.
Melissa Spinney defeated Shanon Cotta 258-149 for a two-year term as first selectman. Hilton defeated Abbe Manahan 213-180 for a three-year term as SVRSU 12 representative. Road Commissioner Jeff Verney, unopposed on the ballot, won another one-year term.
Election officials said the 421 residents who voted are easily two-thirds of the town’s registered voters.
Town meeting starts at 10 a.m. Saturday at the fire station.
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