
‘We’ve got to make these children and moms with opiate-use disorder our priority’

Babies withdrawing from opiates. Children watching their parents shoot up heroin. Orphans growing up in foster care.

They are the opioid epidemic’s youngest victims.

Nationally, an…

Nearly three drug-affected babies were born each day in Maine from 2013-2017, severely taxing hospitals, foster care system

The baby girl was born on a Sunday.

By Tuesday, she was suffering from opiate withdrawal. Exposed to drugs in her mother’s womb, she could not sleep. Inconsolable, her…

AUGUSTA — They are bus drivers, fishermen, lawyers and cooks. The members of the 128th Maine Legislature — a “citizen legislature” in the truest definition of the term — come from backgrounds as…

AUGUSTA — Maine lawmakers have killed a proposal to ban legislators, the governor and Constitutional officers — and candidates for those positions — from accepting donations from lobbyists.

AUGUSTA — There are too many variables to determine conclusively which Maine municipalities and counties spend the most per capita on lottery tickets and no evidence that the state's $231 million…