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Bobbie Robinson has worked 39 years as a full-time 911 emergency dispatcher and three years part-time, but later this spring she will end her career with Lincoln County. Communications Director Tara Doe told commissioners Feb. 4 of Robinson's decision to retire. "She will be missed, and it is with deep regret I inform you about her decision." Robinson's retirement date is April 9.
In other action, the County Emergency Management Agency hired Frances "Frank" Demers of Waterboro as the preparedness coordinator. EMA Director Emily Huber told commissioners Demers had 30-plus years' experience in law enforcement and worked as a University of New England security officer. "He plans on starting in March after he concludes his currrent job and takes his vacation time," she said. "He plans on moving to Lincoln County later this year."
Huber reported the agency is moving forward with a plan to place an amateur (ham) radio antenna on the Blinn Hill tower. An agreement has been reached with the tower's owner for zero dollars. "The owner really wants us back up there and in use again. We've been working over the past months gathering all needed equipment to become functional," she said. "This will be a benefit to the entire county."
County Administratior Carrie Kipfer said Maine Department of Transportation sent a notice of taking. MaineDOT is taking a portion near Maine Health on Belvedere Road near Route One for the roundabout project.
This year's proposed unorganized territory budget is significantly lower. Kipfer said the budget's majority deals wth .9 mile of a road. Last year, storm-related expenditures resulted in an $84,000 budget. For Fiscal Year 26, county officials are submitting a $38,569 budget which provides bridge and road maintenace, snow removal and grading. Commissioners approved the proposed budget and Kipfer now will submit it for state approval.
Commissioners meet next at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 in the courthouse.