Alna names interim officials

Thu, 12/15/2022 - 8:45am

    Alna is getting an interim town clerk and an interim code enforcement officer. Selectmen announced Dec. 14, Deputy Town Clerk Lynette Eastman will be interim clerk now that Michelle Cameron is taking Nobleboro’s treasurer job.

    Cameron, Alna’s clerk since October, has called the Nobleboro offer unforeseen and too great to pass up, and she has called Alna a wonderful town where officials showed her kindness and support. First Selectman Ed Pentaleri said Dec. 14, he was “really disappointed” to lose Cameron as clerk.

    “I think everyone who has had occasion to interact with Michelle Cameron has been just thrilled to have her on board with us. But unfortunately, she just had an offer that she couldn’t refuse.” Alna has advertised the clerk opening on Maine Municipal Association’s jobs board, Pentaleri said. He added, the hiring market for town clerks is competitive.

    “We’ll just have to do the best we can to deal with that and to continue to keep that position filled.”

    As for the CEO and plumbing inspector jobs Tom McKenzie recently resigned from, Pentaleri said it turned out the next person cannot start as deputy CEO and deputy plumbing inspector as the board had planned.

    “We actually need to have someone in that main, principal role. We can’t have someone being a deputy to nobody,” Pentaleri said. Corey Fortin, already announced to take over the duties, will be interim CEO and interim plumbing inspector, the board decided in the meeting at the town office and over Zoom.

    Pentaleri reminded residents of the special town meeting on plowing funding, at 6 p.m. tonight, Thursday, Dec. 15 at the fire station.