Bee School in Thomaston begins in February
Just in case you have been thinking about what it would be like to begin a new adventure as a beekeeper, the opportunity to do so is just around the corner!
The Knox Lincoln County Beekeepers will be offering a beginning Bee School to individuals interested in learning more about keeping bees. Members of KLCB will offer instruction in the art and science of beekeeping in addition to the Maine state apiarist who will speak on honey bee pests and pest management practices. Participants will learn about honey bees, how to select an apiary site, equipment requirements and use, four season management of honey bees, bee related diseases and treatment options.
Hands on rotational stations are included to further support information presented in the lecture presentation of each class and provide networking opportunities to those in attendance. Knox Lincoln County beekeepers also provide monthly programs throughout the year, with several hive openings and speakers during the spring, summer and fall months to encourage hands on experiences for all levels of beekeepers.
Classes will be held on consecutive Saturday mornings from 9 to noon at the American Legion Hall, 10 Watts Ave in Thomaston, beginning on Feb. 24 and ending April 13. The class will not meet on March 30 during Easter weekend. In the event of a weather related cancellation, the course will extend one week to April 20.
The course fee is $65 payable by check or cash, at the first class and includes a textbook and a pro-rated annual membership to KLCB.
Visit us at to find out more about the 2024 Bee School and the 2024 KLCB program of events. To register for bee school or if you have further questions concerning the course, please text Jane Dunstan at 586-6800 or email her at Please include your name, address and phone number(s) in your email message for the purpose of registration information.