Bristol primary results
The June 14 primary results reported from Bristol are:
Democratic Ballot
Mills, Janet T. 294
Representative to Congress, District 1: Pingree, Chellie M. 291
State Senator, District 13 Levesque, David 37 Reny, Cameron D. 262
Representative to the Legislature, District 46 Crafts, Lydia V. 287
Sheriff, Lincoln County Brackett, Todd B. 277
District Attorney, District 6 Irving, Natasha C. 268
County Commissioner, Lincoln District 2 Blodgett, William B. 265
Republican Ballot
LePage, Paul R. 99
Representative to Congress, District 1 Thelander, Edwin 98
State Senator, District 13 Simmons, Abden 92
Representative to the Legislature, District 46 Parise, Merle James, II 87
Register of Probate, Lincoln County Moore, Catherine H. 88
County Treasurer, Lincoln County Richardson, Michelle M. 87
Register of Deeds, Lincoln County Wotton, Rebecca S. 99
County Commissioner, Lincoln District 2 Simmons, Henry B. 91