Edgecomb Eddy School bus routes

Wed, 08/21/2024 - 8:30am

Edgecomb Bus #1 Peter Greenleaf

Morning: Begin Route departing from BRES/HS at 6:40 a.m. heading North on Route 27; 6:50 Right on River Road; 6:53 Right on McKay Road; 6:55 Right on Old County Road, then Right on Route 27 North; 7:00 Right on Middle Road; 7:05 Left on Dodge Road; 7:10 Cross Route 1 - to Pioneer Motel; 7:15 Right onto Route 1 South, turning Left onto Route 27 South; 7:20 Right into EES; 7:30 Load Alna/Westport and other car riders to continue onto BRES/HS; 7:35 Depart EES, Arrive at BRES/HS at 7:50.

Afternoon: 2:30 Arrive at EES: Load students from EES and Edgecomb Bus 2 at 2:35 p.m.; 2:35 Exit EES, turning left onto Route 27 North, then Right on Route 1; 2:40 Right on Dodge Road; 2:45 Right on Middle Road; 2:50 Then Right onto Route 27 North, then Right onto 27 North, then turn around at Edgecomb Town Hall then Left onto 27 South; 2:55 Left on Old County Road, turn around then Left onto Route 27 South; 3:00 Right on McKay Road; 3:15 Left on River Road; 3:25 Left on Route 27 South 3:35 End Route at BRHS Snack Shack.

Edgecomb Bus #2 Route Matt Schmid

Morning: Begin Route, departing from BRHS at 6:40 a.m.; 7:00 Turn Left on Mill Road; 7:05 Turn Right onto Cross Point Road; 7:20 Turn Left on Eddy Road, then turn Right onto Route 1 North; 7:25 Turn Right into Davis Island Apartments, exit turning Right onto Route 1 North, then Right onto Route 27 South; 7:30 Turn Right into EES, then pick up 7-12th graders from Edgecomb Alna/Westport and car riders; 7:35 Depart EES continuing south on Route 27 to arrive at BRHS, then BRES arriving around 7:50 a.m.

Afternoon: Begin Route, departing from BRES/BRHS at 2:10 (1:10 Wednesdays); Last call for riders at 2:19 (1:19 Wednesdays); On the way up 27 North Edgecomb Potters, Corner of Old County /Rt 27. Then arrive at EES at 2:35 p.m., EES students load; 2:40 Depart EES, turning Right onto Rt 27 South, then Right on Mason, Right on Eddy Road, Right on Route 1 North; 2:42 Right into Davis Island Apartments then Right onto Route 1 North, Right on Rt 27 South, Right on Mason Road; 2:50 Left onto Cross Point Road: entire road, then turn around at the end, head back down Cross Point; 3:00 Right onto Mill Road; 3:05 Turn Right onto Route 27 South, heading back to BRHS Snack Shack arriving at around 3:30.