Hepler, Shaw re-elected to Woolwich select board
Woolwich voters returned two incumbents to the select board but ballots on the Regional School Unit 1 bond issue were being hand-counted and results were not yet available from Tuesday’s referendum election.
Allison Hepler and Jason Shaw were re-elected as selectmen, receiving 669 and 743 votes, respectively. Jim Garbor, who was running for one of the two, three-year select board seats, received 272 votes. It was Gabor’s first run for town office.
On Maine Question 1, voters rejected the York County casino-slot machines initiative 846-132. In a vote of 544-432, Woolwich voters passed Question 2, the Medicaid expansion initiative. Woolwich approved the transportation bond issue, 702-268, and Question 4, related to funding public pensions, 590-343.
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