Lincoln County Democratic Committee encourages local involvement with voter registration drive
The Outreach Committee of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) will host the first of many voter registration drives on three upcoming Saturdays at the Main Street Grocery in Damariscotta (formerly Yellowfront Grocery). Stop by on Feb. 17, March 17, or April 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to register to vote for the first time in Maine or to submit a change of address or party affiliation.
The LCDC provides these special weekend opportunities for the community to register to vote in addition to being able to register at their town office or through several state agency offices.
In addition to hosting other educational activities, the LCDC Outreach Committee encourages all county residents to exercise their right to vote.
“The right to vote is one of our most precious liberties. Of course, as Democrats we'd like to register as many new Democratic voters as possible. But that's not the only goal of this registration drive. We believe that it is critically important for every single Mainer who is eligible to vote, no matter their party, to make full use of that right,” shares Jan John, Outreach Committee chair.
The Democratic Caucus is March 4, the primary elections are June 12, and the general election is Nov. 6. Maine currently has four qualified parties that will each hold separate primary elections: Democratic, Green Independent, Libertarian, and Republican. Note that registering as an independent is acceptable but does not afford one participation in selecting the final candidates for the general election ballot. Offices included in the 2018 Primary Election are U.S. Senate, Governor, Representative to Congress (both districts), all 35 State Senate districts, all 151 State Representative districts, and several county offices.
The LCDC also reminds voting residents to attend and vote at town meetings that elect local seats on school committees and select boards among others. Voter involvement at every level helps create fair government rooted in local values.
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