‘Not a good start’: Wiscasset’s future of the schools committee meeting moves to Sept. 16

Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:30am
    For the second time since the June meeting where it began to regroup, Wiscasset’s Future of the Schools Ad Hoc Committee will not meet. School committee training is now set for Aug. 19, when the town-approved, selectmen-appointed ad hoc committee was set to meet after its July meeting was cancelled.
    “Unfortunately, a training for the school board and superintendent was postponed and rescheduled to the night of our Aug. 19 meeting, meaning that two voting members and an ex-officio member are out and we have at least one additional member unable to come,” the ad hoc committee’s chair Duane Goud and Selectmen’s Chair Sarah Whitfield wrote the ad hoc committee in an email Monday. “Our two new members will also presumably be confirmed on Aug. 20 at the selectboard meeting,” the email stated. 
    As for the latest postponement, the email stated, “I know this is not a good start, but we will therefore be cancelling the meeting on (Aug.) 19th. We really need a full committee (or at least closer to it) to move things along. July and August are also probably the worst times to restart a committee given folks' summer schedules. “The next meeting will be Sept. 16 and we absolutely need everyone there. If you have a conflict, please let us know now so we can reschedule for another September date if absolutely necessary. 
    “Thanks for your patience and enjoy the rest of the summer.”
    According to the email, the prospective two new members are Doug Merrill, as an at large member, and Beth Bluteau, as a parent member. The email stated others interviewed “were very strong candidates who clearly care about our education system. We're sorry we're not able to take everyone at this point but we hope you will still stay involved and be part of the conversation even if you are not a voting member (and certainly re-apply if another opening occurs).”
    In July, Goud and Whitfield explained that month’s meeting was off due to work still being under way to fill seats.