Trout stocking sale underway
Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (KLSWCD) is once again sponsoring an annual trout stocking sale for your home or farm pond. We offer two sizes, 4-5” rainbow trout and 7-9” brook trout, as well as oxygen bags that hold up to 20 to 30 fish. Minimum order is $50.
To order, you must have a current stocking permit from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IF&W). Permit applications must be on file with KLSWCD before May 19. Please allow two weeks for IF&W to process your application. Permit applications and trout order forms are available on the KLSWCD website at or contact us to receive one by mail.
Trout sale pre-order deadline is May 10 with pick-up at noon on May 31 at the District Office located at 893 West St (Rt 90) in Rockport.
For more information, visit:, call 596-2040, or email