CTL students win poetry awards
The Poetry Society of Virginia has honored four student writers from the Center for Teaching and Learning in Edgecomb. The students were recognized as part of the society’s national 2020 student contest.
In the third- and fourth-grade category, Mary Philbrick of Alna won third prize, and Lily Coleman of Whitefield placed 4th, receiving an honorable mention award. In the seventh- and eighth-grade division, Ruth Burchstead of Wiscasset won first place and Jack Brune of Georgetown earned third place.
The Poetry Society of Virginia is the second oldest state poetry society in the nation. The PSV awards its youth poetry winners with monetary prizes of $25, $15, and $10 to first, second, and third places respectively. Each honored student also receives notes from their category’s judge offering feedback about his or her poem and details about why it was chosen to be honored.
Founded in 1990, the Center for Teaching and Learning is a nationally recognized K-8 independent school in Edgecomb, dedicated to authentic, rigorous and joyful teaching across the curriculum. Please contact Katy Inman, Head of School, katyctlkto8@gmail.com, to find out more about the school. Current openings exist in middle school for fall 2020-21.
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