I am scared
Dear Editor:
I don’t know about you, but I am scared. I am scared about the disastrous losses our country has suffered in the last two years. We have tossed aside our energy independence, we have opened our once secure borders to uncontrolled immigration, importing at best, many dependents and at worst crime and drugs, we have lost our standing as a world power, we have lost our right to choose what our children are taught about adult themes like gender at a tender young age, we have lost the safety from crime which we used to take for granted, we have lost our thriving economy, and most importantly, we have lost the most precious of all freedoms – the freedom of speech.
All of these losses are due to the total control of our state and national government by progressive Democrats. We must change direction and reverse the disastrous losses they have imposed on us.
I have the good fortune to be personally acquainted with the four candidates running in my district this election. Abden Simmons, Ed Polewarczyk, Ed Thelander and Paul LePage are all honorable men who have the courage to recognize how much damage has been done and they are working tirelessly to bring sanity and honor back to our legislatures.
If you are scared by the losses we have suffered in two years, as I am, please make a thoughtful choice at the polls, and vote to reclaim the honor and strength of this great state and nation.
Linda Winterberg