Where It’s At ... the Maine Photography Show

Photographs go right to the heart of the viewer. Photographs evoke emotion and affect the viewer on an emotional level. Photographs capture moments in our lives – of loved ones, holidays, special occasions … as we were at that time. Places of outstanding natural beauty that take our breath away, that fill us with desires and dreams and remind us of how important those places are to us. Looking at these photos we travel back in time. And smile. Or cry.
Photographers are always framing their next shot and are keenly aware of the role light plays in their art. Yes, photography is an art and there’s a really big show coming up in our region next weekend. The annual juried Maine Photography Show (MPS), presented by the Boothbay Region Art Foundation, showcases the subjects of photographers across our gorgeous “Vacationland” and the world.
Juror Peter Ralston selected 123 photos for the 13th MPS opening Saturday, April 7 at the Boothbay Region Art Foundation in Boothbay Harbor. Statewide, 382 photographers from novice to experienced to pro, submitted entries – a total of 1,033 images.
Entries from the Boothbay region, Wiscasset and Damariscotta areas were taken by: Patrick Conlin (student), Emma Brewer (student), Sherri Brown, Eva McDermott, Michelle Amero, Susan Craig, Lois Glaser, Jamie Gruener, Nicia Gruener, Julia Latter, Timothy Lewis, Dick Morrison, Sarah Strouss, Jonathan Ziegra and Scott See of Boothbay/Boothbay Harbor; Elise Anderson, Bob Crink, Barbara Root and Carl Root, Edgecomb; Freida Hanlon and Ronn Orenstein of Damariscotta; Lauren Swartzbaugh and Dave Higgins, Newcastle; David Ripley, Scott Lucas and Steve Demeranville, East Boothbay; Emily Whiting, Jan Hamblen, West Boothbay Harbor; Cory Gardiner, Woolwich; Frank Barnako, Stan Hanley, Charla Lippert (student), Wiscasset; Angela Iannicelli, James Galvin, Heather Wasklewicz, Monhegan Island.
There are simply stunning images in this show. Simply. Stunning. The photos capture scenes, people, and places in Maine, while others take us anywhere from Switzerland to Cambodia to Ground Zero. You can get a sneak preview of all the selected works at the MPS website, https://mainephotographyshow.org/2018/entry.php. There are several categories in these MPS shows: Color, B&W, Student (can enter in all or any categories), and the year’s special theme, “Remnants.”
The color images dazzle. Two top photos for me here are “Van Gogh Heron,’ by Alexander Newman of Jefferson. I could stand in front of this photo for a very long time. The reflected light on the water dances to a Van Gogh rhythm. The contrast of light and dark, and the heron meditating on a rock along the lakeside (I’m guessing) catches the eye. Another color image for me is “Washed Up,” taken by Benjamin Williamson of Brunswick. The movement captured in the sand and sky, the rays of sunlight beaming outward, the path created by the tide in the sand leading to the lone lobster trap and the sunlight that picks up that path ... A breathtaking shot - and possible subtle comment on the future of the fishery, perhaps?
The black and whites stir the soul. For me, anyway. Take “Forlorn and Tattered” by John Boeckeler, Camden. This photographer was the big winner of a past MPS show, within the past five years anyway. I stopped breathing when I saw it. Just for a few seconds. The house and yard reduced to a shadow of its former self. The window curtain escaping from the broken window has caught on the shingles of the house’s exterior ... layers of old, fallen leaves on the ground ... yet, this house still possesses a certain charm, and despite its outward condition you feel as though you need to walk through the open door you spy through the broken window and hear this house’s story.
Although you can see all of the images online on the MPS website, and a small selection on the Boothbay Register website accompanying this column, there’s nothing like experiencing artistic expression up close and personal. Without barriers ... like computer screens ... and distance.
The 13th annual Maine Photography Show will be displayed at Boothbay Region Art Foundation, 1 Townsend Ave., Boothbay Harbor, April 7 through May 4. Gallery hours are Thursday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Editor’s Note: The print version of this column incorrectly stated the local entrants were chosen for the show, due to a misreading of the map on the MPS website. The actual photos chosen for the show can be seen at BRAF on April 7.
Event Date
1 Townsend Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
United States