Edgecomb bus runs
Edgecomb bus runs
Bus departing from Boothbay
7:30 a.m. Depart BRES, turning left onto Rte. 27; 7:45 Turn left onto Mill Road; 7:50 Turn right onto Cross Point; 7:55 Turn right onto Eddy Road; 8:00 turn around on Mason Rd, Back onto Eddy; 8:05 Turn right onto Rte. 1 North; 8:08 Turn right into Davis Island Apartments for pickup. Exit turning right onto Rte 1 North to return to school 8:13 Arrive at Edgecomb Eddy.
Bus departing from Boothbay
6:40 a.m. Leave bus lot in Boothbay, traveling north on Rte. 27; 6:47 Turn right onto River Road. Begin bus run on River Road at 6:51; 7:00 Turn right onto McKay Road; 7:05 Turn right onto Rte. 27; 7:06 Turn right onto Old County Road 7:09 Turn around near the end of Old County Road; 7:11 Turn right onto Rte. 27; 7:12 Turn right onto Middle Road; 7:16 Turn left onto Dodge Road; 7:21 Cross Route 1, turning around in parking lot at 6 Station Road; 7:23 Turn right onto Rte. 1 South; 7:28 Turn left onto Cross Road, then left onto Rte. 27 South; 7:30 Arrive at Edgecomb Eddy.
Bus departing from Edgecomb, p.m.
2:45 p.m. Leave school, taking a left onto Rte. 27 North; 2:47 Turn right onto Cross Road; 2:50 Cross Rte. 1 onto Cochran Road. Turn around behind Cahill’s; 2:51 Turn right onto Rte. 1 South; 2:52 Drop off at Englebrekt Road; 2:55 Turn left onto Eddy Road; 3:00 Turn right onto Shore Road; 3:05 Turn around at the end of Shore Road; 3:10 Turn right onto Eddy Road; 3:10 Turn right at Cross Point Road; 3:21 Turn around at the end of the road on the left; 3:23 Turn right onto Mill Road, then left onto Rte. 27 North; 3:30 Turn around at Town Hall Road; 3:30 Turn left onto Rte. 27 South; 3:35 Turn left onto Old County Road, then turn around where tar ends; 3:39 Turn right onto Rte. 27 North; 3:45 Return to Edgecomb Eddy.
Bus departing from Boothbay, p.m.
2:45 p.m. Leave Edgecomb Eddy, taking a left onto Rte. 27 North. Turn left onto Rte. 1 South; 2:50 Drop off at Davis Island. Turn right onto Rte. 1 North; 2:54 Drop off at the Pioneer Motel. Turn left onto Rte 1 North; 2:55 Turn left onto Station Road, turning around in parking lot at 6 Station Road; 2:57 Cross Rte. 1 onto Dodge Road; 3:00 Turn right onto Middle Road; 3:08 Turn left onto Route 27 South; 3:10 Turn left onto McKay Road; 3:15 Turn left onto River Road; 3:25 Turn left onto Rte. 27 South; 3:35 Drop off at Boothbay Region YMCA; 3:40 Return to BRES lot.
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