Edgecomb Eddy rewards students for good behavior
Edgecomb Eddy School students are being rewarded for good behavior with a feather. Students receive their reward for following expected behaviors around campus. Principal Tom Landberg explained the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports initiative during the Oct. 3 school committee meeting. “We have specific statements for all areas of the school, playground, hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria and classrooms. All use positive language. There aren’t any ‘no’ statements. Positive language speaks to what students should be doing, for instance one of our hallway expectations is “quiet voice and walking feet,’” he said.
Another part of the program is student-created posters and flyers. Third and fourth graders created the artwork which now hangs on school walls.
October is also a time for introducing safety in the school. Landberg reported school officials are leading fire drills, evacuation exercises and using ALICE (alert, lockdown, inform, counter, evacuate) protocols. The school is also creating a weekly newsletter highlighting happenings and important events and dates.
In other action, the committee approved six new policy revisions. The revised policies include board member conflict of interest, nepotism, public participation in board meetings, new school committee orientation, compulsory attendance, and media relations. Eight policies slated for a second reading and adoption were tabled, including remote participation in board meetings, board relationship with staff, school committee development opportunities, comprehensive health and safety plan, workplace bullying, child fine, truancy, and freedom of access.
The committee meets next at 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7 in the school cafeteria.
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