Feed Our Scholars bake sale at Ames Dec. 14
Wiscasset’s Feed Our Scholars (FOS) committee is holding a bake sale at Ames Supply, Bath Road, from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The group, now in its 12th year, is raising funds to sustain its programs of providing weekend bags of food for participating Wiscasset Elementary School students living in food insecure households, as well as its Set For Success program that provides all Wiscasset students, Pre-K to grade 12, with school-suggested supplies to begin each school year.
All bake sale items are sold by donation, and all donations support these programs. During the busy holiday season when attending all sorts of parties and get togethers, let the Feed Our Scholars/Set For Success bakers lessen the pressure to bring something to those events, by picking up some fudge, cookies, bars, pies, breads, or jams and jellies to take along—or to have for yourself! In the process, you can be happy that you’re helping the community’s young ones to flourish.
Other FOS/SFS events in the planning stage include a paint party on Feb. 7 at St. Philip’s Church hall and a recipe auction dinner some time in March or April. Stay tuned. Both events promise to be truly fun and proceeds will bolster Feed Our Scholars' purchasing abilities.
For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/wiscassetfeedourscholars, or https://feedourscholars.wordpress.com/. Want to contact us? Email us at FeedOurScholars@gmail.com or call St. Philip’s Church at 882-7184, leaving a brief message with a call back name and number, and we will return your call.
Or come to Ames on Saturday, Dec. 14, 7:30-1:30, and receive the answers to your questions while purchasing some sweet or savory treats for a good cause.