Free, in more than one way
At last year’s tree-lighting on the Wiscasset common, we noticed that, other than Santa, Frosty and Rudolph, many, maybe even most attendees at the free event were family members of the schoolchildren singing on the steps of the beautifully lit First Congregational Church. The families’ show of support at their children’s performance was meaningful, and the songs, Santa’s arrival with Fire Chief T.J. Merry, the tree-lighting and the cocoa and cookies in the church afterward were a good way to get in a holiday mood.
But this year, for an extra reason, let’s make an even bigger crowd.
If someone who can come to the common Saturday night doesn’t come, we know it won’t be out of fear from the recent attacks and attempted ones in Paris and elsewhere. Some selectmen have expressed added interest over the past year in getting Maine Yankee’s spent fuel out of town to avoid the risk it would be targeted, but that’s about the extent of local concern we hear about terrorism. We feel comfortable, bundled up for the December cold, going out as darkness falls and celebrating together at a seasonal event that organizers try to make very special for us.
Being weary from a long day is one reason some of us who are free for the night will stay home. But sometimes, in times like we’re in again lately internationally, showing up says something, in a town some describe as idyllic.
The tree-lighting is a good time; and this a good time to turn out for it, if only because we can, thanks to our veterans and our freedom to go about our business and our fun in public, together, at a movie, out shopping, or on the common.
The fact that we can is something extra to celebrate, at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, even if you don’t have someone in the chorus.
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