Horse-tie rails installed at Alna Meetinghouse
The Fund to Support Historic Alna (FSHA) would like to thank Les Fossel and his business, Restoration Resources, for the generous donation of materials and labor required to re-install horse-tie rails at Alna’s historic 1789 meetinghouse. The replacement rails were created from straight-grained 3- by 4-inch Eastern white pine not commercially available, that was cut specifically for this purpose, and dried for three years prior to final milling.
The new rails were installed following the recent completion of the meetinghouse’s exterior repainting project, and replace rails that were severely weathered and rotting. “To my knowledge, Alna’s National Register-listed meetinghouse is the only one in Maine that retains its historic horse-tie rails,” said Fossel.
“We are thrilled to have the new horse-tie rails installed so quickly after the completion of the painting project. The rails include joinery details that might be missed by the casual observer, and are beveled in a manner to echo the form of the interior stair railings,” said FSHA Treasurer Ed Pentaleri.
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