Memorial Day
What does Memorial Day mean to you? To me, it is a time to reflect on my freedom and to remember those who fought in foreign lands to protect our freedom. Some of those fighters sacrificed their lives for freedom, while others were lucky enough to return home.
Having lived in this region for all of my life, I take pride in how loyally the American Legion and other organizations have continued the tradition of holding parades and ceremonies to honor our fallen military. May that never end. Every time the firing squad takes aim and fires at the Memorial Day ceremonies, I think of the hundreds of thousands who took up arms and give thanks to those who served so that we enjoy our way of life every day.
As a youngster, I remember the ceremony held outside the Opera House, when the war monument was in place there. Seeing the veterans in their uniforms, some of them standing high and at attention on the front steps. The band playing patriotic songs. Residents filling the sidewalk, waving American flags and saluting and cheering the veterans as they walked by. It made me realize that we must never forget about celebrating our freedom.
This Monday, I urge all area families to take in a local ceremony. It is a civics lesson that should be taught early to our children. If you can't make a ceremony, take a few moments and reflect on what you have for freedoms and how they were obtained.
Thank you veterans.
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United States