Novel Jazz summer concerts feature Ellington and Strayhorn
The Novel Jazz Septet will be performing eight concerts throughout Maine between July and September featuring the music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, two of the most celebrated pillars of the jazz world.
The band will perform both traditional standards plus some of their lesser-known compositions, transcribed from original scores out of the Smithsonian archives in Washington, D.C. Rich with stories, they’ll transport you behind each tune for the history of the composers who shaped all of jazz.
Novel Jazz has been featured multiple times on public radio for both live performances as well as news stories, all part of their mission to explore this enormous musical legacy. They’ll be recording their third CD this summer, as well as traveling far and wide, keeping the spirit of Duke and Sweet Pea alive and swinging!
The musicians of Novel Jazz have been playing straight-ahead jazz for audiences throughout Maine (and beyond) for several decades and collectively, they share over two centuries of experience in jazz. Performing will be Barney Balch (trombone), Dave Clarke (guitar), Mickey Felder (piano), Wells Gordon (acoustic bass), Bryan Jones (alto saxophone), Mark Macksoud (drums) and Michael Mitchell (trumpet). For more details about any performance (directions, admission, ticket availability, etc.) contact the respective venue.
Novel Jazz encourages parents to bring their children, the future of this art form, to the concerts.
In the Boothbay region, Novel Jazz will play the Opera House at Boothbay Harbor on Friday, August 8 at 7:30 p.m., call 207-633-5159 for tickets.
For details about any performance (directions, admission, ticket availability, etc.) contact the respective venues in the performance listings below:
Other summer concert dates are: Thursday, July 17, Camden Library amphitheater, 7 p.m., 207-236-3440; Thursday, July 24, Harpswell Bandstand, 6 p.m., 207-833-5771; Saturday, August 2, Saco River Theater, 7:30 p.m., 207-929-6472; Sunday, August 3, Inn by the Sea, Cape Elizabeth, 5:30 p.m. (rain date Monday, August 4), 207-799-3134; Saturday, September 6, Bristol Congregational Church, 7 p.m., 207-563-6843; Saturday, September 13, Frontier Cafe, Brunswick, 8 p.m., 207-725-5222; Saturday, September 27, One Longfellow Square, 2 p.m., 207-761-1757.
For more information on the musicians, visit
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