President, not king
Dear Editor:
When I graduated from Maine Maritime Academy, I had a moderate level of debt and after a few years I paid off my college loan. From that time on I was tuition-debt free. Now, 40 years later, Joe Biden wants me to start repaying someone else’s college loan. The bill for the 40 million loans is $400 billion.
I will be sharing this burden with other people, like me, who pay taxes. Fortunately, Joe’s “generosity” was put on hold by the Supreme Court that noted, it is the Legislative branch of the government, not the Executive that has that power. If Congress wants to shift the debt from the student to the taxpayer, they can do that. They can draft, debate, vote, and pass a bill. The voter can then hold them accountable for their decision. If the taxpayer is happy about assuming payment for a college loan, they can reward their Legislator with their vote. If they see unfairness, they can vote them out.
That is how our republic works. All voters should be celebrating that decision. The President was not given the power to make unilateral decisions of billions of dollars. It is Congress’s job.
Joe Grant