Set for Success planning continues
For Wiscasset Elementary School families and friends, Sunday, Aug. 14, from 1 to 3 p.m. is a celebration, a free back-to-school event at WES on Federal Street.
As this school year is winding down, planning for next school year is in its planning phase. Feed Our Scholars’ Set For Success (S4S) team is working to make sure we have the teacher-requested school supplies for all Pre-K to fifth grade students to help them be ready for a great start to the new school year.
Children will shop for their classroom needs, and receive a snappy red backpack complete with the school’s wolf paw insignia to hold all those supplies. They will be able to show their Wiscasset school spirit all year long as they use their packs. This event is open, as well, for those home-schooled students who would be eligible to attend WES.
With the goal of making this a true celebration, the Set For Success committee is busy nailing down other participants to provide a fun, helpful event. Wiscasset’s fire department plans to be there, barring emergencies, for a mini touch-a-truck event. The police department plans to have a presence, as well. The Healthy Lincoln County lunch truck will provide meals. And St. Philip’s Bargain Basement will offer a free shopping event.
Set For Success can better offer all the materials with community support. At a conservative estimate of $35 per pack and 250 packs to fill, S4S is asking for people to step up in two ways in particular: Go to the wish list at Amazon:, choosing what and how much one wishes to buy, then having it sent to St. Philip’s. Prefer donating funds? Make a check payable to St. Philip’s Church with Set For Success on the memo line and send it to Feed Our Scholars, c/o St. Philip’s, 12 Hodge St., Wiscasset, ME 04578.
Consider volunteering to help this event be a wonderful, inspiring, smooth-running experience. To contact the committee or find out more information, call St. Philip’s at 882-7184, or send a message to facebook/WiscassetFeedOurScholars