Stover wins District 89 race
At nearly 2 a.m. Wednesday, the District 89 race for Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Westport Island, Southport and Edgecomb finally came to an end.
Holly Stover (D-Boothbay) won 2,559-2,477, defeating Stephanie Hawke (R-Boothbay Harbor), who was seeking a third term. Stover, who works in health care, has stated one of her priorities will be to expand health care coverage to as many Mainers as possible.
All results were in on Stover’s victory. Several other races – the Lincoln County state senate race, between Sen. Dana Dow (R-Waldoboro) and Laura Portman (D-Nobleboro) and the District Attorney’s race for District 6 between Jonathan Liberman and Natasha Irving – could not be determined because not all results were in.
Jefferson’s in Lincoln County were not in; and at one point, Sagadahoc County reported a major problem with its voting machines, making a final determination of the D.A. race impossible.
The District 87 House race between incumbent Jeff Hanley (R-Pittston) and Jason Putnam (D-Wiscasset) ended in Hanley’s reelection, 2,414-2,094.
In House District 90, Mick Devin (D-Newcastle) beat challenger Richard Van Knowe (R-Round Pond), 3.324- 1,782.
Lincoln County voted handily to elect Democrat Janet Mills governor; and returned Democrat Chellie Pingree to the first District in Congress and Independent Angus King to the Senate. Their opponents conceded on election night.
The county also voted against Question 1, which would have levied a tax on earnings above $128,500 to be used for home care for seniors and disabled Mainers, but approved bond questions 2, 3, 4, and 5 for water quality infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, universities and community colleges.
At the Democratic office in Damariscotta, campaign workers and Democratic candidates gathered to watch the returns, including Stover, Irving, Portman and Devin. The evening was a nailbiter for all except Devin, who won in every town. They also watched the national returns, with increasing excitement. Democrats took 30-40 seats in the U.S. House with several races – including the Second District – too close to call. That race may have to be decided by ranked choice. Democrats lost several Senate seats in Congress.
In the Maine statehouse, however, there was no question. Maine Democrats won at least 19 of the 35 districts. Robert Caverly, chief of staff for Senate President Mike Thibodeau, announced the switch back to Democratic control. The Democratic Party said it won at least 80 of Maine’s 151 seats in the House, making their majority there much more solid. Several races were still too close to call.
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