Thank you advertisers
There was only one advantage to being out of work with the flu on Monday; the newspaper paginators left me with only this amount of space for an editorial.
It is just enough space to thank our advertisers. Advertising is our lifeblood; without our advertisers, we here at the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper would all be doing different jobs. We especially thank those businesses who advertise with us year-round. Even though the economy has improved slightly over the past few years, it is still tough to juggle operating costs, along with other things such as advertising, during the winter months when revenue drops. As a summer tourist destination, we know most businesses around here make their money during the warmer months.
So, if you don't advertise with us now, but are considering starting up again or starting for the first time, give our longtime ad representatives, Kathy and Sarah, a call here at the Boothbay Register and they will, hopefully, put you on the road to better profits in 2016.
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