Voting for Heller and Jones
Dear Editor:
We—Wiscasset citizens, taxpayers, business owners—strongly endorse re-electing Terry Heller and Dusty Jones to the Board of Selectmen. In addition to serving on the Board of Selectmen, Terry has spent four years as chairman of the Appearance of the Town Committee, and two years as advisor to the Waterfront Committee, and initiated the formation of the Waterfront Working Group. Dusty has spent the last two years as advisor to the Finance Committee, Broadband Committee, Airport Committee, and Budget Committee.
The current board has taken care of long-neglected maintenance and repairs and salaries for the Town Fire Department, EMS, Police Department, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Airport, and Community Center—without raising taxes, and using sound financial practices. And the current board is moving us forward with more economic development than previous boards, including putting a town planner in the budget for citizens to vote on.
We—the undersigned citizens, taxpayers, business owners—want Wiscasset to keep moving forward, and we strongly urge Wiscasset voters to re-elect Terry Heller and Dusty Jones to the Wiscasset Board of Selectmen.
Bob Bond
Lucia Droby and Rick Burns
Alissa Eason and Christopher Hart
Chris Erickson and Joe Zoellers
Judy and Tim Flanagan
Sally and Bill Gemmill
Betsy Kyle and Leo Egan
Nancy Roby
Sandra Shea
Deb Small and Jamie Beaton
Frank Sprague
Margot Sullivan
Tom and Carmen Tetu
Dan and Carol Watts
Terri and Peter Wells
Elizabeth and Brad Woods