YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program enrolling participants
One in three U.S. adults has prediabetes. In addition to the high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, people with prediabetes are also at risk of developing other chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke. A prediabetes diagnosis doesn’t mean developing type 2 diabetes is inevitable, but it can serve as a wake-up call to improve health.
Fortunately, individuals canreduce their risk for developing diabetes. Research has shown that modestweight loss and regular, moderate physical activity can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes among adults at risk.
To address this issue, the Boothbay Region YMCA, Central Lincoln County YMCA and LincolnHealth are collaborating to offer the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, which helps adults reduce their risk through healthier eating and increased physical activity.
To build awareness and encourage program participation, Lincoln Medical Partners confidentially mailed information to more than 650 individuals in Lincoln County who may qualify for the program in early December. Lincoln Medical Partners patients may also be eligible for direct referrals to the program through their LMP provider.
The first classes in Lincoln County will start in early 2017. A Boothbay region class is forming to meet on Wednesday mornings and a Damariscotta area class is forming to meet on Monday evenings.
Participants in the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program work with a trained Lifestyle Coach for one year in a group-based setting. The group learns how to eat more healthfully, slowly add physical activity into their daily lives, manage stress, stay motivated, and set and achieve goals.
The program is part of the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention program, and has been shown to reduce the number of new cases of diabetes by 58 percent overall and by 71 percent in adults over 60.
You do not need to be a YMCA member or receive a referral from a physician to enroll in the program. The Y is committed to working with all eligible individuals who desire to participate in the program to ensure that the program is affordable for them.
For more information about the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, or to find out if you are eligible to participate, contact Casey Clark Kelly at cclarkelley@clcymca.org or 207-350-7026, or visit www.boothbayregionymca.org or www.clcymca.org.
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