Lincoln County Republican Committee meeting Nov. 20
The Lincoln County Republican Committee (LCRC) will hold their monthly meeting at the Newcastle Fire Station meeting room on Nov. 20. The social and refreshment time begins at 6:30 p.m.; the meeting begins at 7 p.m.
The guest speakers this month are Jacob Posik, director of communications, and Nick Murray, outreach director of The Maine Heritage Policy Center. Their presentation is entitled “The Seven Bites at the Augusta Apple” and is intended to empower freedom-loving Mainers to better apply our principles to the legislative process. This is how we ensure that the laws passed in Augusta expand, not limit the potential of our state's workers, businesses, and families, and it's why the Maine Policy team has developed a concise yet detailed presentation of the lawmaking process to share with you. Attendees will leave with an understanding of the crucial points when their representatives and senators will be most ready and willing to hear input from their constituents. As we learned from Representative Richard T Broadstreet at October’s LCRC meeting, there will be over 500 bills considered during the next Legislative session, which begins on Jan. 8, 2020. Since Maine requires that only ‘emergency bills’ be brought forth in this, the second session of the 129th Legislature, we will have our work cut out for us communicating with our elected officials. Be sure to come and learn how to be most effective. We had a large crowd at our last meeting, let us make this one even bigger.
As always, current and past representatives and senators are invited to speak and give us ideas and insight into what is going on in Augusta. Furthermore there is an open invitation to any active candidates for any elected position- local, State and Federal.
LCRC now has an official headquarters in the building housing River Walk Gallery on Route 1, Damariscotta, at which we will be announcing a grand opening soon. Additionally a new, update to website will be introduced soon. Meanwhile, be sure to visit our current website at
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