High school sailing set to begin this month
It’s hard to believe that the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club’s (BHYC) Junior Program is soon to get underway with its High School Sailing Club’s spring racing program. The first day of practice is just around the corner!
The High School Sailing Club is part of the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club’s Junior Programs, and is made possible with the generous support of the BHYC Junior Program Foundation and Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club.
We’ll be hitting the water at the end of March (wearing dry suits provided by the Club) weather permitting. The BHYC staff is currently getting boats ready, dry suits repaired, and all things organized for the new season.
This sailing program is open to all students grades 7-12 in the region, From Wiscasset to Damariscotta, including Boothbay Harbor, Southport, Edgecomb, and Newcastle. The program is the official sailing team for Boothbay Region High School and Lincoln Academy. Younger sailors are welcome in our Opti and Feva program that will start in Late April or Early May. Teams compete in the local Penobscot Bay League, as well as Regionally, through the New England Schools Sailing Association (NESSA).
The BHYC Sailing Club was created to provide an opportunity for local youth to learn to sail and compete in local and regional racing regattas. This program builds individual and team skills, competence, and confidence on the water. The team practices locally three days a week and competes against other high school teams throughout Maine, with our most competitive sailors traveling throughout New England.
For more information on the sailing program go to the Club’s website, https://www.bhyc.net/high-school-sailing for the downloadable registration and fee waiver request forms for this season.