A light turnout of voters in Alna Friday re-elected David Abbott as first selectman and Jeff Verney as road commissioner, according to results Town Clerk Amy Warner reported in an email Friday…
Two of the three candidates on Alna’s ballot March 18 are incumbents running unopposed; the third is also unopposed as she seeks to move from a hired job to an elected one.
Amy Warner has…
Jeffery Hanley (R-Pittston) has announced his candidacy for re-election to the Maine House of Representatives. Hanley is currently serving his first term as the…
Dana Dow of Waldoboro has announced his intention to run for Maine State Senate District 13 which includes communities in Lincoln, Knox and Kennebec counties.…
State Senator Chris Johnson of Somerville will hold his monthly office hours on Saturday, March 12 at the following locations: Waldoboro Public Library in Waldoboro from 9 to 10 a.m.; Maine Coast…
Bernie Sanders won the Maine Democratic caucus on Sunday with 64.9 percent of all votes cast. Twenty-five delegates were at stake for the national convention, as well as five superdelegates. While…
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) victory in Lincoln County March 5 was reflective of his strong showing statewide. Cruz received 325 of 746 votes cast in the County Presidential Caucus held at…
A large turnout at the Lincoln County caucus sites played an important role in the success of candidate Bernie Sanders, who won over Hillary Clinton in every town reporting results by 5:30 p.m.…
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz ot Texas received the most votes in the Lincoln County Republican Presidential Caucus Saturday. Cruz received 325 votes of the 701 cast at the countywide caucus held at…
Lincoln County will be voting for presidential preference this weekend.
Republicans will vote on Saturday, and the caucus site is at Wiscasset High School. More information and times for the…
Lincoln County
You must be present at the caucus location in order to vote.
Damariscotta voters met for a public hearing and special town meeting on Feb. 17 to decide whether or not to approve matching funds for a possible Community Development Block Grant to address…
In a surprise move on Feb. 18, Gov. Paul LePage chose Lincoln County’s chief deputy, Major Ken Mason, to be Kennebec County’s next sheriff. But Mason is unlikely to be seated any time soon, if…
Lincoln County Democrats gave a slight edge to Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in a straw poll at the Democrats’ Feb. 15 meeting in Newcastle. Roughly 25 percent were undecided.
Lincoln County Democratic chair Jim Torbert of Whitefield announced that most Lincoln County Democrats will caucus March 6 in Damariscotta, Wiscasset and Waldoboro…
Departing Alna Town Clerk Amy Warner may still be making regular trips to the town office after the March town meeting. She will be the lone candidate on the ballot for treasurer.
This year, Maine Republicans will cast their votes for the party’s presidential nominee in town caucuses held across the state. In the past, the Maine GOP has selected the state delegates who…
If anyone in Alna wants to run for selectman, road commissioner or treasurer, they have until Feb. 2 to get their name on the ballot. Nomination papers are due by 8 p.m. Feb. 2, Town Clerk Amy…
Sen. Chris Johnson of Somerville will hold his monthly office hours on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at three locations around the region: Waldoboro Public Library in…
State Senator Chris Johnson of Somerville will hold his monthly office hours on Saturday, Dec. 19 at the following locations: Waldoboro Public Library in Waldoboro from 9 to 10 a.m.; Maine Coast…
At their November 16 monthly meeting, a large crowd of Lincoln County Democrats and other progressives heard Maine Peoples Alliance (MPA) Communications Director…
Mike Tipping, well known for his incisive coverage of politics in Maine, will be guest speaker at the Democrats’ meeting on Monday, November 16. Tipping’s work has brought to public light many of…
Woolwich re-elected both their chairman of the board of selectman and road commissioner. They also passed a referendum ending Pay As You Throw (PAYT) at Tuesday’s general election.
Woolwich residents have voted 616-453 to repeal PAYT. They chose Selectman David King Sr. over challenger Don Adams 551-491; and kept Jack Shaw as road commissioner, with 731 votes over Joe…
Wiscasset voters on Tuesday made Judith Colby their fifth selectman. The former selectman received 289 votes, to Roland Abbott‘s 142 and David Flynn‘s 109.
In interviews afterward, Abbott…
As of shortly before 9 a.m. Tuesday, several ballots had been cast in Wiscasset. Polls are open at Wiscasset Community Center on Gardiner Road until 8 p.m.
Residents are deciding the…
Woolwich voters will have a choice for selectman and road commissioner when they head to the polls for the General Election, Tuesday, Nov. 3. They’ll also decide whether to continue with the Pay…
For the second time in three years, Joseph Creamer is challenging incumbent Jack Shaw for his job as Woolwich road commissioner. Election Day is on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
The road commissioner is…
Woolwich voters will have a choice for selectman when they head to the polls for the General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Don Adams is challenging incumbent David King Sr.
The polls are at…
Wiscasset voters will choose between a former selectman and two first-time hopefuls when filling a selectman’s seat on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
The candidates on the ballot for former selectman Bill…
All are invited to attend the upcoming “Farmers’ Feast Dinner and Dance” on Sunday, Oct. 25, at the Arlington Grange in Whitefield.
During the month of October, Lincoln County Democrats are “Celebrating Farming in Maine.” At a meeting on Oct. 14, a panel of guest speakers led by Alice Percy,…
Good food, good music, and keeping it local are what the upcoming Farmers’ Feast Dinner and Dance event is all about, according to …
The burgeoning coastal marine economy came into the spotlight on Tuesday, Sept. 29 during a stop in Lincoln County on Speaker Mark Eves’ statewide jobs tour.
Eves joined a…
People in Alna get to be treasurer by living there and getting elected. But that could change in 2017 if voters in 2016 agree to make it a hired job that people in and outside Alna can seek.
…Three candidates will be on the Wiscasset ballot for a selectman’s seat Nov. 3. Nominations closed Sept. 21.
Town Clerk Linda Perry said Judith Colby, Roland Abbott and David Flynn were the…
Sam Chandler of Alna was born in an Ellsworth hospital on a November election day. His mother completed an absentee ballot in the hospital.
Growing up on Mount Desert Island, Chandler…
Roland Abbott, Wiscasset Ambulance Service's director who resigned effective Sept. 14, is among residents who have already taken out nomination papers for a selectman's seat.
Abbott, former…
Prospective candidates for an open seat on the Wiscasset Board of Selectmen have until Sept. 21 to turn in nomination papers. Papers became available Monday, Aug. 10, Town Clerk Linda Perry said…
The Lincoln County Democrats will be holding their annual lobster bake to raise funds for upcoming county campaigns in 2016 and to honor current Democratic officeholders and their role in Maine…
A large crowd turned out for the July 20 Lincoln County Democrats meeting in Newcastle to hear discussions on two important topics: a referendum to increase Maine’s minimum wage; and the…
The weather was great, the food was delicious, and the discussions spirited as the Lincoln County Republican Committee held its July meeting at the Union Congregational Parish Hall in South…
Lincoln County Democrats will hold the group’s monthly meeting on Monday, July 20, at the Newcastle Community Room on…
The Lincoln County Republican Committee held its June meeting in Wiscasset. Mike Violette, co-host of the “Mike and Ken Show” weekday mornings from 5 to 9 a.m. on WGAN, kicked off…
Westport Island has finished smoothing out a five-year wrinkle from when it changed its tax billing time.
A light turnout of voters at town hall for the annual town…
Incumbents prevailed over write-ins on election day in Westport Island on June 26. Gerald Bodmer retained the second selectman’s seat with 121 votes to write-in candidate Reginald Lee’s 20; Dennis…
A special town meeting June 16 tied up a loose end on Wiscasset’s school budget. Voters Tuesday night agreed to spend $10,000 on adult education.
The money was part of the $8.4 million in…
All Lincoln County Democrats are invited to the June 22 meeting to take part in an open forum discussion about plans and strategies for the 2016 election cycle. It will also be an opportunity to…